Friday, March 25, 2011

Kitchen Disaster #1

As I'm sure there will be plenty more, this post is fittingly titled #1.  While I continue to be a SAHM, I have to be on my toes and plan activities to do with Abby.  And really reserve nap time for my own quiet time.  She's really good at helping with chores such as folding the clothes (unfolding while I fold), vacuuming (standing on top of the vacuum), tidying up her play area (dumps totes of toys after I fill them).  Oh the list goes on and on, but I digress.

After nap, I planned on making some fabulous banana muffins.  Now, this has been in the works for several days as I eyed three ripened bananas and refused Tim his morning fruit (don't worry, he had an apple) so I would have enough.

During nap, I got all the ingredients ready.  Measuring cups, bowls, preheated the oven and as Abby stirred I was excited to share the afternoon's project.  She got up quietly and lazily, eating a quick snack of grapes and water.  We got to work quickly and I snapped her into her booster so she wouldn't go anywhere.  'Cause she has a nasty habit of being the Tasmanian Devil sometimes....

I showed her the measuring cups along the way, she laughed at cracking the eggs, and giggled at the beaters.  All that's left is to stir it all together, right?  RIGHT?  That's it?  How hard can that be?

Because it was impossible to help stir from her current position, I unsnapped her from the booster and sat her on the bar with the bowl between her legs (first mistake).  While she sat there, I quickly place the other small bowl in the sink (second mistake). As I pivoted to my right, Abby pushed the bowl filled with yummy banana muffin goodness right off the counter.  The loud shattering of my bowl was crushing.  Not only was it my favorite mixing bowl, the much anticipated banana muffins were stolen from existence.  What a tease....

How the heck was I suppose to clean this up?  Abby's on the counter, shards of bowl everywhere, goopy batter on the floor.  Well, it went something like this.  ""AHHHHHH!!  Abby, stay in the living room! Abby, don't touch that! Abby, I'm sorry I made you cry! Abby, don't put that in your mouth!!! It's okay, sweetie, I'm not mad!  ABBY, don't touch that!"  You get the drift.....I snagged a paper bag, quickly put in the big pieces, swept as much as I could into the corner, used a spatula to pick up the batter, a wet towel to pick everything else up, and rinsed it in a bucket.  Because I certainly can't get shards of glass in the disposal, ya know? 

The banana muffins

After we cleaned up and settled down, Abby came over to be with one of her new felt bananas a friend made for her.  I think it may have been her way of apologizing for the mess.  I'll take it.

Honesty, the only thing that got me through this laughing was knowing I was going to blog about it and share our first kitchen disaster with all of you.  Please tell me yours so we can all laugh together!!

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