Thursday, March 31, 2011

Boo Boo Bunny to the Rescue!

Abby received an adorable Boo Boo Bunny (BBB) as a "welcome to the world" gift and we've finally been putting it to use.  She realizes when she falls she may have a boo boo and clearly shows us. We can tell the difference between a fake cry and a real cry and if a real cry ensues, we're quick with a cuddle, kiss, and trip to get BBB.

With a mess like this, how can one NOT get hurt?
Most recently she stepped on the knob of a puzzle piece.  I snagged her in a tight hug and asked if she needed the BBB.  She immediately stopped crying, begged to get down, and ran to the freezer.

Oh, yes, she knows exactly where it is. 

She always kisses the BBB before it kisses her. 

If you recall, she stepped on a puzzle why is the BBB kissing her knee?  Well, she had a fall while we were playing and it's the only Boo Boo she can actually see.  :-)  I kiss her knee at every diaper change when she points to it and says, "Boo Boo!"  She giggles so I know it no longer hurts her.  She even tries to grab her knee and kiss it herself. 

The lovely BBB

You'll notice the BBB has a slight tinge of pink over it's left eye...yes, that is traces of blood from her first real tumble.  One that sent her tooth in her lip.  Let's hope this Boo Boo Bunny holds up over the next, oh, twenty years.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! The title, boo boo bunny, sent me back to when I was little. My sister had a bunny named boo boo bunny, but he was just a regular bunny that somehow was just named that!
