This past weekend I definitely displayed qualities of both a lion and a witch while I cleaned out the wardrobe. Since we're in the process of having brand spanking new carpet installed, we wanted to paint the spare room beforehand. To make room for the stuff in the spare room's closet for peanut's stuff, we needed to clean out OUR closet. I really should say mine, since 90% belongs to me. At least I gave Tim the most convenient side. SOOOO, this cleaning out process didn't necessarily bring out the best in me as I decided to try on every single item on and use the pile system. Like the lion, I was on the go get 'em phase at the very beginning. I made Tim stay with me for the tough decision articles of clothing and to help rehang clothes or fold the pre-pregnancy bin. As we pushed forward, the witch really started to come out. "Are you kidding me?" was a frequent response to the normally to-big-for me shirts. I'm sure you can imagine a string of expletives as well.
As we finished the purples (cause you know my type A personality has my clothes color coordinated), we had a handful of clothes ready to go back in the closet and a nice bin full to head out to storage - I'd say a good 75% worth. I suppose when the goal is to make room, we met the goal with flying colors. Now, only if my wardrobe would stay this clean. An empty closet is a license to go shopping, right?
Family books
1 day ago
You and I must really be on the same page, cause I did this a couple weekends ago and let me tell you - I had to remove ALL my pants :( I was down to two pairs of pants and well, it may be time for round two seeing as these too are getting tight...