Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Pretty Please"

Abby's conversation style is quite like her Momma's - she chats away like it's her job.  Tonight as we were finishing up dinner, which by the way she actually ate a lot of it, she asked a simple question:

Abby: "Momma, I done?" 
Me:  Are you sure?
Abby: Yes, all done....I need to get down now.
Me:  Abby, how do you ask for something?
Abby:  May I please get down ( it sort of sounded like maypleasedown....)
Me:  (giving her the one eye)
Abby:  Pretty please?

When did she learn that?????  I chuckled, smiled, and scooped her right up into a bear hug!

Happy Friday!  I am looking forward to a weekend with home with the fam.  Tim has been snowboarding in Utah since Saturday.  On deck?  Swimming lessons, lunch with friends, church, hopefully some Valentine's Day card crafting.  Hope you have fun weekend plans!

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