Thursday, September 15, 2011

Potty Patience

Abby has been interested in the bathroom, and everything in it, for months.  You may recall this post from almost a year ago.

We've started introducing Abby more to the potty and asking consistently morning and night if she needs to go pee on the potty.  Reading books about it at night and generally talking about the potty more.  She has even earned three stickers in the past two days!  She's a big fan of "stickas" and will hopefully work as we bribe the  reward her with elmos, cows, stars, or whatever else we have on hand. 

Let's face it as much as we want to get rid of diapers and get them on the potty, they just aren't cognitively ready for it  until 21-24 months of age.  Now, I know there are exceptions.  In fact I know someone who communicates and reads her one year old so well, they're on their way to a diaper free world. 

We on the other hand have to start with Teddy.

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Just after these pictures were taken, my lovely daughter grabbed my camera and threw it down the stairs. I'm fairly certain the "Lens error. Restart camera" is not a good thing and hope to have it fixed or buy a new one soon!  For now, I leave you with Abby basking in all the glory of her favorite room - the bathroom.

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