Our pediatrician gave us this advice when Abby was just two weeks old. We followed it until Friday night. Our peanut fell asleep around 6:30 and we expected her to get up around 8. But in non-typical Abby fashion, she was still asleep at 9pm. If she hadn't fallen asleep in her overalls I would have left her. However, I slowly picked her up, talked to her softly, but Miss Abby screamed like I have never heard her before. Poor Katie and Chris, who were over for dinner, were witnesses to the torture. After I changed her diaper and clothes, it was almost like the switch turned off. We came downstairs and she was happy, smiley, and blowing raspberries....
The moral? Never, EVER, wake a sleeping baby. Now, if she would just stay asleep from 10pm to 6am, that would be fantastic!
Merry Making
4 days ago
Your little pumpkin is just so cute. Savannah ran over to the gate yesterday and yelled to Abby. Karen brought her over to say hi and she was all smiles for Savannah. It was the sweetest thing! Hope to bump into you again soon :-)