It was so cold out today - the car read -3 at 10am this morning, but we still got out to the library and to a few errands. We played hard and Miss Abby crashed hard....In case you can't tell, that's the dog from the Grinch who Stole Christmas. I love it when her butt is in the air!
Abby is really taking on such a personality and growing like a weed. She has been exclusively walking since her birthday, completely off bottles for since the beginning of the year, has several words (Mama, Dada, baa baa, woof woof, apple) in her vocabulary, and can find the Puppy flash card in seconds. :-) She really understand exactly what you ask her to do. "Abby, can you throw this in the recycling box?" "Can you pick out a book for nap time?" "Can you help me close the door?" "Are you ready for snack, lunch, etc?" She'll nod her head once in agreement. She knows what a dog and cat says; babbles and looks at us like we know exactly what she has said. Even at library hour she understands all the songs, bounces, and books. Although she's still all over the place and I have a tough time reigning her in, she's still a joy to watch. And she LOVES to dance! Just see for yourself....of course, the attention span is something we're working on...
Abby still only has 6 teeth and I swear she's been teething for months. Within the past two to three weeks the chewing of fingers has increased dramatically. The bottom 3rd and 4th teeth are just around the corner, I can sense it!
She's eating like she has all her teeth. We generally feed her whatever we're eating and does well with most everything. She still loves her mango and banana, cereal bars, gold fish, animal crackers, cheddar bunnies, mashed potatoes, eggs, and string cheese. Her favorite treat is a slice of cheese from the deli at the grocery store. The deli worker is adorable and always asks to share a slice. Today she ruffled Abby's pigtails and Abby got all silly and shy.
More often than not, she's still sleeping like a champ. Generally she's in bed around 7:30 and sleeps until 6:30-7. Every once in awhile she'll start squeaking and put her back to sleep. We learned from the pediatric book that toddlers begin to have nightmares around 12-14 months. Which explains a few episodes of high pitched screaming at 3am. She finished the night in our bed all cuddly and safe.
All this learning just tuckers a girl right out.
4 days ago